A shiny module that displays rasters changing in time on a predefined map, with the user choosing which raster should be displayed by using the slider. A histogram summary for each raster choice is also shown.
timeSeriesofRastersUI(id) timeSeriesofRasters(input, output, session, rctRasterList, rctUrlTemplate, rctPolygonList, rctChosenPoly, defaultPolyName = NULL, shpStudyRegionName = NULL, shpStudyRegionLFLT = NULL, colorPalette, maxAge, zoom = 5, mapTilesDir = "www/", mapLegend = "", mapTitle = "", sliderTitle = "", histTitle = "", nPolygons, nRasters, rasterStepSize = 10, uploadOpts = list(auth = NULL, path = NULL, user = NULL), rctStudyArea = NULL, thinKeep = 0.05)
id | An id string that corresponds with the id used to call the module's UI function. |
input | shiny server input object |
output | shiny server output object |
session | shiny server session object |
rctRasterList | A reactive that gives a list of rasters to be displayed. |
rctUrlTemplate | The reactive url template for leaflet map tiles |
rctPolygonList | Reactive list with sets of polygons to be displayed on a leaflet map. # TODO: describe the format of the list! |
rctChosenPoly | The user-selected polygon. |
defaultPolyName | Name of the polygon to use as the default for mapping. |
shpStudyRegionName | Name of the study area region (from |
shpStudyRegionLFLT |
colorPalette | Colour palette to use. |
maxAge | Maximum simulation age. |
zoom | Initial leaflet zoom. |
mapTilesDir | Directory where pre-generated map tiles are stored
(default |
mapLegend | The legend text to add to the leaflet map. |
mapTitle | Title to be shown above the map. |
sliderTitle | Title to be shown above the slider. |
histTitle | Title to be shown above the histogram. |
nPolygons | The number of available polygons. |
nRasters | The number of available rasters. |
rasterStepSize | Size of step in the raster slider. |
uploadOpts | A list of options for use with file uploads:
rctStudyArea | A reactive |
thinKeep | Proportion of points in polygons to keep when thinning or plotting.
See |
Invoked for the side-effect of creating a shiny UI.
Reactive polygon selected by the user with the polygonChooser
Invoked for the side-effect of creating shiny server and UI components. # TODO: reword