
Lorem ipsum …

Users may wish to familiarize themselves with shiny apps more generally:

Once you understand the basics of how to build a simple shiny app, it’s fairly straightforward to customize more complex apps using this package.

Using this package

Lorem ipsum …

Getting help

SpaDES users Q&A forum:!forum/spades-users

This is the place to ask for help on setting up and running simulations, as well as module development. Please do not file bug reports here.

Application structure

Following is the structure that SpaDES.shiny expects to be provided:


A character string denoting the name of the application, which appears in the top left corner (above the sidebar).


A character string denoting the name of the app copyright holder (appears in footer).


A data.frame defining how the modules should be displayed.

tabName menuItemName icon moduleId
sliderTabName Slider Module map mySlider1
sliderTabName2 Another Slider sliders mySlider2
export My Export file-image-o myExport3
  • tabName tells UI the name of the tab corresponding to the menu item.
  • menuItemName defines the text label to use for that menu item.
  • icon is displayed next to menuItemName.
  • moduleId points to a module id from the list of modules defined in metadata$modules.


type name id parameters
shinyModule slider mySlider1 list("\\"Slider label\\"", 0, 100, 50, 1)
shinyModule slider mySlider2 list("\\"Slider label 2\\"", 0, 200, 100, 10)
shinyModule export myExport3 list("data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 6:10)"))

In metadata$modules you define modules that you want to be used in your app. Right now the only type is "shinyModule".

  • name corresponds to the name of the module and the id assigns unique identifier for that module instance.
  • parameters define the parameters that should be passed to the module.

The generator on server side will build callModule(<type>, "<id>", <parameters>) directives based on the metadata$modules list.


A named list specifying the following:

  • footer optional additional text to put in the sidebar footer, above the SpaDES and Appsilon logos.
  • width specify the width of the sidebar in pixels (default 300).

Code example

You can either use data.frame or tibble to define app structure. Below are two examples on how to create an app defined in the paragraph above.

Using data.frame

devtools::install_github("PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.shiny", ref = "develop")

appMetadata <- list(
  title = "Cool App",
  copyright = "Jim Author",
  layout = data.frame(
    tabName = c("sliderTabName1", "sliderTabName2", "myExport1"),
    menuItemName = c("Slider Module", "Another Slider", "My Export"),
    icon = c("map", "sliders", "file-image-o"),
    moduleId = c("mySlider1", "mySlider2", "myExport1"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  modules = data.frame(
    type = c("shinyModule", "shinyModule", "shinyModule"),
    name = c("slider", "slider", "export"),
    id = c("mySlider1", "mySlider2", "myExport1"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  sidebarInfo = NULL

appMetadata$modules$parameters <- list(
  list("data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 6:10)")

appMetadata$layout$moduleUIParameters <- list(
  list("\"Slider label\"", 0, 100, 50, 1),
  list("\"Slider label 2\"", 0, 200, 100, 10),
  list(c("csv", "txt", "xls", "rds"))

newApp(getwd(), appMetadata)


App configuration

A default app configuration file ships with the inSpaDES package and can be found at the following path:

system.file(package = 'inSpaDES', '_config/_config.yml')

This is a standard YAML file.

Configuration options

title : the name of your application, which is displayed in the title bar and at the top of the dashboard.

logo : path to an image file to display in the sidebar of your application.

theme : one of the following bootstrap themes (only one theme may be used at a time):

[blue, btn-primary, btn-success, btn-danger]
[black, btn-primary, btn-success, btn-danger]
[purple, btn-purple, btn-success, btn-danger]
[green, btn-success, btn-success, btn-danger]
[red, btn-danger, btn-success, btn-warning]
[yellow, btn-warning, btn-success, btn-danger]

sidebarWidth : the width of the sidebar in pixels (default 230)

APP_DIR : the absolute path to your application directory (usually /srv/shiny-server/appName)

RLIB_DIR : the absolute path to an R package library (by default this is not set and a packrat library is used inside the application directory)

USE_CACHE : Logical indicating whether simulation results should be cached (default TRUE)

Rserve : Logical indicating whether child simulation processes should be run using an Rserve instance (default FALSE uses Rscript to run the simulations)

RservePorts : an optional list of user and port matching the Rserve instance being used

dbtype : the type of SQL database used by the app (default postgres)

dbname : the name of the SQL database used by the app

host : the fully qualified domain name of the database server used by the app

port : the port number on which the app connects to the SQL database

user : the database username with which the app connects to the SQL database

password : the database password with which the app connects to the SQL database

MAX_PLOTS_SAVES : the maximum number of plots and saves for any simulation

MAX_REPS : the maximum number of allowed replicate simulations to run per simulation instance

App directory structure

Apps should be fully contained within a single directory, which is typically located at /srv/shiny-server/ where it will be served as a shiny app.

APP_DIR/           # this is the application directory
|_  _config/       # contains configuration file(s) needed to run the app
  |_ _config.yml
|_ cache/          # simulation cache directory, used if enabled in `_config.yml`
|_ modules/        # contains all modules used by the app and their data
  |_ MODULE1/
    |_ data/
  |_ MODULE2/
    |_ data/
  |_ ...
|_ output/         # stores simulation outputs
|_ packrat/        # contains your app's R package library
|_ www/            # contains additional web resources, e.g., images and javascript files
  |_ images/
|_ global.R        # code needed by your app's server.R and ui.R files
|_ server.R        # your app's 'server' code
|_ ui.R            # your app's 'ui' code
|_ style.css       # customized CSS styles based on a template  in this package